Monday, January 5, 2009

Goodbye 08' Hello 09'.

Let me start with saying how fast 08' went for me. It was a good year, Although I had my ups and downs. Met so much loving people this year. Learned so much from everyone. But its just a new year, Doesn't mean leaving people you love behind. Doesn't mean erasing ya' memory. Just mean its time to start new, Feel new. Make newer memories. This year I'm positive that I'm going to make happiness happen, No doubt bout' that. I'm maturing so this year I have better goals then I had last year. Growing up year by year just makes everything you think up more levels. So hopefully I'm going to meet more kind people, Ones that i can cherish my moments with. Someone thats gonna stick it through rough times. Those people.

*This year I'm heading that Straight A's on everything.
*Kinder to parents and everyone around me.
*Independent, Damn right.
*Church every Friday cause God is a must.
*More time with Best friend.
*No more tears this year.
*No more Mc Donald's.
*Positive not negative.
*No more cussing.

Sucks cause' now I have to get used to writing 09' on my school papers! Ahh, Thats gonna suck for me.

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