Friday, January 30, 2009

Why you gotta' be Dr Evil?

'You can never find the right person if you never let go of the wrong. But at the same time, the moment you feel like letting go, you remember why you held on for so long. Sometimes you have to forget what you want, and remember what you deserve.' -Ohgod. Thats hella' true. I need someone who would ride for me, not someone who ride for free. So hello there, My day was fast borring and gay. I chose to go to church today. And I was glad I did. I love church! Next week im looking forward to. Hopefully he would take the time out and go with me caaas' he needs god in his life! I wanna go out tomorrow, But everyones bussy =( Aww. I hate the feeling I have right now. That feeling when you hear your phone ring and you just hope while flipping ya' phone over that its him. But when you flip it over its someone else :l. Thats my feeling right now. But yea, I learned a lot @Church. No one is alone. I also realized how much I learned over the past half year at school. Although i really hate school I've become a better stronger person now. But everyone knows I can't wait till next year. Mhm, Well tired and bout to get off. Bye.

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